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Cursors For Your Tumblr, Blog, Website, & Windows Computer Mouse!

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Updating Our Servers

Date: 25 Jan 2010, 21:49 By Tor With 1 Comments

Hello, I just purchased a brand new server to host all of our Cursor files. This will speed up the site and speed up the delivery of our cursors to your site as well =D I am currently setting up the new server and right now you may not be able to download any files from our site until further notice. I'll keep you guys updated...

Edit: 10:35PM PST. Okay I have setup the new server. The DNS is being propagated throughout the entire world right now. The site will probably be down for 24-48hrs. Who knows. Right now all the images of the cursors and downloads are probably not working!

Edit: 11:01PM PST. For the moment I have disabled the browsing of this site! Until our new server can resolve! Please be patient. It should take 1 hour to 48hrs.

Edit: Next Day 8:09AM PST. Looks like the servers are back online and working. It might not for some of you, but in a few days everything should be good.

New Dedicated Server

Date: 23 Aug 2009, 22:17 By Tor With 0 Comments

Sup guys we moved our server to a new dedicated. Our previous server was a Dual Xeon 2.5ghz Harpertwon with 4 gigs of ram. It's a pretty damn powerful server but it lacked ram. So we downgraded the CPU and added 12 gigs of ram. Instead of the Dual Xeon 2.5ghz Harpertown we are using using a Core i7 2.66ghz with faster hard drives as well.

Please report any slow downs or anything of the sort. I'm also looking to get a new dedicated box for handling the file transfer as well. This will speed up the file transfer by like 200%.

That will be in the future though...since I'm pretty broke T_T. Donations please =D

No 100Mpbs Upgrade Going To Happen

Date: 20 Oct 2005, 12:40 By With 0 Comments
LOL...that's right, we are no longer going to upgrade the server speed. After much research (not too much), we do not need a 100mpbs line for this server. Because our traffice level isn't near needing it. And it would be a waste of money to get it...

I will be researching more on servers, and will enable hotliking to the site in a couple of days. Optimzing it, I guess...it's quite annoying, and hard to do. If anyone could recommend me someone who can do this stuff, feel free to. Or maybe I should just reboot the damn server...lol.

So hotlinking still disabled until further notice aights? All downloads and previews still work.

EDIT - 6 Metal Slug cursors were added. This is also a very cool video game. One of the best 2d shooting games ever made.


Hotlinking Enabled

Date: 18 Oct 2005, 21:37 By With 0 Comments
Aights, hotlinking is once again enabled. After, testing the connection, I come to realize that, we do need a 100Mbps connection instead of what I have now, a 10Mpbs line. We don't actually need the 100Mpbs, more like a 20Mpbs line. But that's all that my host offer, a 10Mpbs, and a 100Mbps...however, I don't want to jump on the bandwagon just yet and start spending more "$$$" for it yet.

We'll see though. We are close to the 800 mark. And I'm estimating that we will pass the 1000 mark by the end of the year. Our new server is much better than expected, and I'm very glad that I upgraded. Remember that in the works is a new CMS (content management system), which will come out by the end of year with tons of new features.


Date: 16 Oct 2005, 22:54 By With 0 Comments
Aights, I will be conducting a test on our new server. Already with this server, I'm seeing major improvement in server loads, however, I'm seeing different results in speed test. But the server load is way better. However if you notice around 1-8pm, accessing the site gets a little hard and congested, so this test is to see if this problem is due to connection issues.

Starting right now until to the 19th of October, hotlinking is disabled. REPEAT, HOTLINKING WILL BE DISABLED FOR 2 DAYS, for connection testing purposes only. Please do not panic, if you see don't see cursors coming on your pages. Thank you for your cooperation.

New Server Up But

Date: 14 Oct 2005, 11:28 By With 0 Comments
there are many problems with DNS. It's not propogated yet, or it's not gone as far as it has gone yet. Stuff still getting back to normal, but not 100% or 50%. Hopefully it will get done by this weekened.

If it's slow, it's because of the dns. Give it a few day or so I think.

Server News

Date: 13 Oct 2005, 17:01 By With 0 Comments
Aights everyone, I just got my server. It's being set up by me right now...but I'm a such a noob when it comes to this kinda stuff. So It might take a while. The team and I won't be doing any updates until we can transfer everything. But once everything is done, hopefully the site can go faster. I mean it's a pentium 4 2.8ghz with 1gb of ram. That's pretty damn fast. I wish it had Hyperthreading tech on it though, then it would be even faster. That should be able to handle three sites right? Right then...until the server is up I guess.....mwuhahahah

New Server On The Way Plus New Layout Coding

Date: 12 Oct 2005, 15:51 By With 0 Comments
We are getting a new server for faster browsing. It's going to be an intel pentium 4. Also we coverting our design to a css base layout. Meaning we are getting rid of tables. Yes, we are trying to speed our server up, and trying to optmize our site. It's not just you, who hates slow loading pages, and images. It's us as well. So we are working as hard as we can to fix these problems...Aights?

We won't be doing much updating as usual. Because we are preparing for a new CMS program, a new server, and working on hard on converting to CSS. Which should help download time.

Site Back Up + New Features

Date: 11 Oct 2005, 21:07 By With 0 Comments
The site is now back up. You now have the ability to display up to 36 cursors per page instead of the standard 16 cursors. Which means it should cut your browsing time down by half.

New server is on the way. Currently being configured. It's a fast intel pentium 4, with 1gb of ram. However it will be shared with my other websites, Romeo-Help4U.com and Ps-tuts.com. Hopefully this new server will be able to handle the website until we can get our new content management system which should be out by the end of the year...damn so long. But hopefully really good.


Date: 9 Oct 2005, 11:31 By With 0 Comments
Looks like the site is slowing down again. I guess the users online have doubled/tripled, since last month eh? Well, yesterday we broke our own record of unique visitors with over 3000+ unique visitors

We are currently working on a new management system with tons of new features! Tons of new features being specifically built for this site. It's going to be two months though before this thing is out. If you have any suggestions for the new CMS program, tell us now! Old news have been achieved!
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Welcome To Cursors-4U.com Version 3.5

So you came looking for cursors and graphics eh? Cursors-4u.com gots plenty of cursors for your mouse pointer. We got runescape, world of warcraft, pokemon, naruto, twilight, cute, animated, cool, glitter, sexy, and so much more cursors. You can directly download the cursors for your mouse or web site to your hard drive for free and use them on your desktop computer for Windows XP or Windows Vista or Windows 7 or Windows 8 or you can place them on your web site or blog. You can even get Tumblr Cursors, Friendster Cursors, Blogspot Cursors, Xanga, Bebo, Orkut, Wordpress, Myspace and any other social networking profile site that allows CSS coding, here. Also our cursors work on Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome.

We were the first cursor site to allow cursor hot linking and cursor download. There have been many imitators since but you will not see the quality and quantity like here at Cursors-4U.com.

© 2005-2025 Cursors-4U.com. All Rights Reserved. All Trademarks And Copyrights Held By Their Respective Owners.